Mr Whitekeys will speak on Zoom for the March Meeting!

Join us for our March meeting on the 25th at the Alaska Mining Hall of Fame, downtown Fairbanks. Our meeting begins at 6pm and the program begins at 7pm. Refreshments are served. Our meetings are free to attend and we would love to see you and talk about genealogy.

Our guest this month will be the one and only Mr Whitekeys. He will present to us on Zoom from Anchorage. We will meet in person to watch the program live.

Mr Whitekeys holds a donut with a snowy background.

SAVE THE DATE!  On Tuesday. March 25,  Mr. Whitekeys will speak about his new Alaska gold rush book, “The Voyage of The Alaska Union” at 7:00 pm at The Fairbanks Genealogical Society (406 Cushman St). Zoom link will be emailed the Sunday before the meeting.

Eighty Greenhorns from Chicago set out to strike it rich in Alaska in 1898.  It was the largest Gold Rush expedition ever launched, and they had no idea what they were in for.

     One of the prospectors, Charles Harris, toted a 40-pound camera with him during the entire odyssey, but his images have remained unseen for 120 years.

In The Voyage of The Alaska Union, Mr. Whitekeys reveals a true tale of Alaska Gold Rush History that has never been told.  Lavishly illustrated with 100 of Charles Harris’s photographs, the book relies on century-old diaries, letters, manuscripts, and newspaper accounts that tell the story in the words of the men who were there on the Koyukuk in 1898.  

     It’s the story of tough men who survived with what they had. It may be 70 below, you may have forgotten to pack your tent on a hundred-mile trek, but if you had doughnuts, everything was just fine.

Mr. Whitekeys is an Alaskan musician, entertainer, and author who is most known for his performances of “The Whale Fat Follies” at Mr. Whitekeys’ Fly By Night Club.  He can be considered “World Famous” because he is as well known in Cairo as he is in Singapore.

For the Voyage of the Alaska Union on Real Paper or e-book, click HERE   

Mr Whitekeys Bio:

Mr. Whitekeys moved to Alaska in 1898 and immediately began playing piano in sleazy bars. He has described his chosen profession as “mouthing off and making snotty comments,” and his writings have appeared in an Anchorage Daily News column, Alaska Bizarre—a comedy print version of The Whale Fat Follies, humorous contributions to The Alaska Almanac, a monthly column in Alaska Magazine, and weekly satirical newscast commentary on Anchorage’s KTUU-TV.

Mr. Whitekeys’ Fly By Night Club was a mecca for “Spam, Booze, Rhythm and Blues” for 25 years, and The Whale Fat Follies remains as the pinnacle of Alaskan vaudeville and satire. His DVD, Alaska, The First 10,000 Years, is a farcical romp through Alaska’s history, and despite its absurdity, it has been used instructionally by misguided history teachers throughout the state.

In his spare time, Whitekeys is addicted to coral reef marine biology and is currently the Commander-in-Chief of the Anchorage Audubon Society where he will continue to embarrass the entire environmental community until someone else agrees to take the job.

Mr. Whitekeys describes his chosen profession as  “mouthing off and making snotty comments.”  Over the years he has done this on radio, TV,  in print, and in live performances of The Whale Fat Follies at Mr. Whitekeys’ Fly By Night Club.  

In his spare time, Whitekeys is addicted to coral reef marine biology and is currently the Commander-in-Chief of the Anchorage Audubon Society where he will continue to embarrass the entire environmental community until someone else agrees to take the job.

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