Fortymile History for our October program.
Join us for our October meeting where we will learn about Fortymile country. A place with amazing history and beautiful natural resources.
Join us for our October meeting where we will learn about Fortymile country. A place with amazing history and beautiful natural resources.
Happy Autumn! Welcome September and colorful leaves and crisp air. It is time for the September meeting and program. Our September 26 program will be “Basic Genealogy: Let’s get back to the basics”. This program will guide you to learn or relearn the basics of genealogy and how to fill in the blanks on your…
Our May meeting was held at the Clay Street Cemetery, a repeat of last year (2022). We walked the cemetery with many guests, talking about select graves and the people we have researched. We had great weather to enjoy the talk. Our guests were different members of the community, some being descendants, some in high…
How much do you know about the construction of the Alaska Highway? Living at the end of the Alcan in Delta Junction, I thought I had a pretty good bead on it’s back story. But then I stumbled on a photograph that took me on a journey of discovery about details surrounding building the highway…
March’s program will be “My In-Person RootsTech Experience” by Amy Stratman. What is the difference between attending RootsTech in person vs watching the lectures online? Hint: Enthusiasm! See you on March 28, 6pm, Alaska Mining Hall of Fame. Zoom invitations will be sent out to members the night before. You do not have to be…
Our February program will be “George C Thomas Memorial Library and other Northern pre-1940’s Libraries”, by Aldean Kilbourn. Libraries have existed in the North since the early days of the Gold Rush, both in the Yukon and in Alaska. Libraries from Outside were asked to send their worn-out books, but without exception, there was hunger…