Fairbanks Old Photos
We would be happy to post your old photos of Fairbanks. To submit photos, click here.
A vast collection of Photos from Fairbanks and other areas of Alaska, see the Alaska Military History Association. Their Facebook group is here.
Also search the Alaska Digital Archives for historical photos that have been archived.
Photos submitted to us by Fairbanks residents below.
Sept 2 1959, Fire scene. Thrifty Drug at SW corner Cushman and 2nd, taken from SW corner of 3rd and Cushman.
Summer 1960, Chena River near Pike’s Landing.
Winter 1959/60
View north from transit station on Chena Bldg. Catholic church and St Joseph’s hospital across from the Chena River. Ice is about 2 feet thick.
Photos below courtesy Lynn Immel

1949 Burns Hotel and barber shop downtown Fairbanks

1947 Chena River

Any pictures of St Joseph church being moved across the Chena River?
I’ve not been able to find a photo of the move. It might be out there! The move was in 1911.
I just posted on the Facebook group page “Fairbanks, Alaska” photos and the history of moving the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church across the Chena River
I was born in Fairbanks.1959. Left at two years old. Love pictures and information on Alaska.
Looking for info on Harry Lucke birth 1875 in Vechta Germany. Came to Alaska at about 20 yrs. He was a trapper in the Fairbanks area.
Please send us an email at fbksgensociety@gmail.com