
FGS volunteers will perform research at a rate of $10.00 per hour. Other rates are listed below. We keep our rates extremely low to make sure everyone can afford help with their family history.
Mailed paper copies will be an additional 25¢ per page.
Researching found items or photos of unknown origin are free.
You may email, send a letter, or use the form below to contact us. You may send a check or use PayPal to send your payment for research. Please include a note of what you need.
Select your choice from the drop down menu, then click on the order button.
- For simple look ups and searches, our fee is $10.
- If your search requires more than 2 hours, our fee is $20.
- If you would like a 5 generation family tree with basic information, the fee is $50.
- For difficult research that requires searching in person at the archives, travel to another town, or several hours of research, we kindly ask for $100.
- We do genetic genealogy! If you would like your DNA matches clarified and lined up to your family tree (up to 3 generations), the fee is $50. Adoption cases may fall under this category, depending on your DNA matches and/or adoption papers.
- For difficult or advanced genetic genealogy such as unknown parentage, non parental events, adoption (especially multi generation adoptions), ancestors outside the USA, pedigree collapse, or endogamy, the fee is $100+.
Each research case may be different, easier or harder than what is realized, so please do not hesitate to ask your question first. Our Society is run by experienced volunteers. The fees go directly to the Society.
Sometimes a genetic family tree takes a few weeks or months, with many hours of piecing together your distant DNA matches. Please be patient for your results, and don’t give up. We can explain this process in person or over email. We do not work with other “search angels” in tandem.
The Fairbanks Genealogical Society is restricted to researching people that are deceased.
No searches will be done for living persons outside of your immediate known family. Any genetic genealogy we help you do may result in names and locations, and not necessarily contact information. We do not contact living people or DNA matches on behalf of you without your specific permission.

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