Buckholtz Alyse Thagard Peter

Meeting Jan the 26th

Our next meeting is Tues, January 26, 6pm. “Fairbanks tidbits and FGS member’s genealogy discoveries”. Members will speak about their findings and/or photos. We will also look at a few short interesting findings from our local Fairbanks research. Feel free to share your story during the meeting. We will call upon members if they would like…

February 25 Program will be “Roshier H. Creecy” by Peggy Merritt

February 25 Program will be “Roshier H. Creecy” by Peggy Merritt

Join us on Feb 25 for the next meeting, 6pm to 8pm at the Blanchard Family Funeral Home, 611 Noble St Fairbanks, Alaska.The program will be “Roshier H. CreecyA Black Man’s Search for Freedom and Prosperity in the Koyukuk Gold Fields of Alaska”presented by Peggy Merritt. More information:The story of Roshier H. Creecy is a…

See you January 28 for the next meeting “Beyond the Trans-Siberian”

See you January 28 for the next meeting “Beyond the Trans-Siberian”

Happy New Year! Join us for the next meeting of the Fairbanks Genealogical Society, Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 6-8pm, at the Blanchard Family Funeral Home, Fairbanks, AK. Meetings are free and open to the public. Our guest speaker will be long time Fairbanks resident Leslye Korvola. She will speak about her experiences which led to…

April meeting of the FGS “Newspaper Research: Library of Congress and Google”

April meeting of the FGS “Newspaper Research: Library of Congress and Google”

Join us for the next meeting of the Fairbanks Genealogical Society. Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 6pm, at the Blanchard Family Funeral Home, 611 Noble St, Fairbanks, Alaska. The program will be “Newspaper Research: Library of Congress and Google” by Joan Skilbred. Light refreshments are served. The meeting and program generally last 2 hours. Be inspired…