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March and April meetings were cancelled
Hello everyone! Our March meeting was cancelled because it came only a few days after the government mandated social distancing. The meeting was going to be held at the Fairbanks Community Museum, and we were looking forward to the talk and tour of the museum. We have tentatively rescheduled the museum tour for next fall….

October Program: “William Staples of the Gold Rush”
Our October meeting is planned for Oct 22, 6pm on Zoom. Please email us for the link. at the Alaska Mining Hall of Fame, downtown Fairbanks, Alaska In the case of the snow storm making it too dangerous to drive, the program will be held online. Zoom invitations will be sent by email if that…

November’s Meeting Vachon Family
In November, members met via Zoom. The program was the “Vachon Family”, who came to Fairbanks by way of the Klondike gold rush. Many members of the family, including the children, are buried at Clay St Cemetery. A great presentation of research was made by Janet Richardson and Aldean Kilbourn. There are so many side…

October meeting! Oct 23, 6pm
You are invited to the next meeting of the Fairbanks Genealogical Society. October 23, 6pm Blanchard Family Funeral Home, 611 Noble St, Fairbanks, Alaska. The program is “Basic DNA for Genealogy” by Amy Stratman Learn the very basics of using your DNA to discover who you are and your family’s history, even if it is…

See you January 28 for the next meeting “Beyond the Trans-Siberian”
Happy New Year! Join us for the next meeting of the Fairbanks Genealogical Society, Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 6-8pm, at the Blanchard Family Funeral Home, Fairbanks, AK. Meetings are free and open to the public. Our guest speaker will be long time Fairbanks resident Leslye Korvola. She will speak about her experiences which led to…

The next meeting is April 25, 6pm
The next meeting of the Fairbanks Genealogical Society is April 25, 6pm, Elk’s Lodge Antler Room, Fairbanks. Refreshments are served. Meetings are free and open to the public. Bring a “Show and Tell” item if you would like. Be inspired to work on your family tree! The topic of this meeting is “The Life and…