January program: Alaskan Trade Tokens

Happy New Year! We are pleased to announce a new meeting location, the Alaska Mining Hall of Fame.
Join us for the January 2023 meeting. The program will be “Alaskan Trade Tokens” presented by Dick Hanscom, an expert on Alaska rare coins, tokens, and similar collectibles. His webpage is Alaska Rare Coins.
The meeting will be in person at the Alaska Mining Hall of Fame, 406 Cushman St, downtown Fairbanks. You can park in the Sadler’s parking lot or on the side streets. Refreshments will be served. The program will also be on Zoom, the link being emailed to members. We would love to see you in person!
We do have an opening for a speaker for our February 28 meeting. If you would like to present a program or speak about your family tree, or know someone who would like to share, please let us know.