Join us April 25 for “The 192 Rail Link: My Connection to the Train that Helped Build the Alaska Highway”

How much do you know about the construction of the Alaska Highway? Living at the end of the Alcan in Delta Junction, I thought I had a pretty good bead on it’s back story.
But then I stumbled on a photograph that took me on a journey of discovery about details surrounding building the highway I’d never heard before.
How did they get all the men and equipment to Alaska, and what route did they all take? How did a US Army train engine out of Skagway, which was part of the White Pass and Yukon Railroad after WWII, make it’s way to an amusement park in Tennessee?

Join me in learning more about the history of the highway and it’s link to Engine 192, Klondike Katie, and my family connection to it. (info below) ~Tracey

Join us for our April meeting and program, Tuesday, 6pm at the Alaska Mining Hall of Fame, 406 Cushman St, Fairbanks, Alaska. During our meetings, we discuss any Society plans, personal genealogical questions and discoveries, and enjoy family history. Refreshments are served.
The program will be “The 192 Rail Link: My Connection to the Train that Helped Build the Alaska Highway” by Tracey Mendenhall Porreca.
The program follows the meeting. We hope to see you in person, but for those long distance or unable to attend, we will have the program on Zoom. Non members, please email your Zoom request to
Entrance to the Alaska Mining Hall of Fame is pictured.