March and April meetings were cancelled
Hello everyone! Our March meeting was cancelled because it came only a few days after the government mandated social distancing. The meeting was going to be held at the Fairbanks Community Museum, and we were looking forward to the talk and tour of the museum. We have tentatively rescheduled the museum tour for next fall. Hope to see you there, downtown Fairbanks!
The buildings downtown Fairbanks have a lot of history. Since Fairbanks was founded, there have been several fires downtown. Many of the buildings are old, but many have been rebuilt due to the fires. In some areas, nothing remains of the Fairbanks of yesteryear. Where the Springhill Suites hotel is located, there were stores and cafes that resembled the other side of the street on 2nd Ave. The Co-op, on 2nd Ave, where the Fairbanks Community Museum is, is old, but not that old. It was rebuilt in 1951 due to a fire.

The April meeting was also cancelled. We weren’t to confident that we would have this meeting. The program was to be “Bakeries and Bakers of Early Fairbanks” by Amy Stratman. Since we missed 2 meetings, the “Bakeries” program was put online for members to enjoy (If you are already a member, be sure to register on this website for your membership account). The April program is a slideshow with photos and tidbits of the Bakeries of Fairbanks past. Part 2 will be presented next fall.
We will decide on if we will hold the May program in a couple weeks. Tentatively, the program will be at Pioneer Park, and we will view the S.S. Nenana.

Alaska Citizen ad Mon Mar 2, 1914